Even posting I am 20 weeks amazes me. This pregnancy is going so fast, and is a bit of a blur in so many ways. There have been so many moments I never even thought I would make it this far. Another 4 weeks and this pregnancy is considered "viable".
The good news is the 20 week anatomy scan went really well. No issues detected, and this little one was sucking it's thumb. So it looks like I have another sucker on the way (my son either has fingers in his mouth or a dummy/pacifier, regardless of bribes - but we are working on it). It did behave and everything looked great. Although my fundal height is 21, bub is measuring 40th percentile. So not too big, not too small :) Bub is also still breach, but it isnt really relevant at this point (except for the kicks to my bladder! urgh!) I couldn't have been happier with the results. My husband is convinced he saw something and it is a boy - somehow his 0 years of training in sonography means he is convinced it is a boy ;) I think he saw shadows!
We also now have a date for the c-section. It is weird to know this bubs birthday. But I wanted to book it in, as it is very close to some Jewish holidays.
As for me, still struggling with energy in a big way. I also got ill, and just toppled over and spent two days in bed, unable to eat. But that, thankfully passed quickly. I am getting uncomfortable, but my belly is still pretty compact for a second pregnancy at 20 weeks. I am still yet to tell heaps of people, and will probably keep it that way.
So over half way there. It is sad I am not enjoying it more. I love the feel of bub wriggling around - this bub is either more active than my son, or I am just feeling it more, but really happy I get to experience that more this time. Loving my growing belly, always a nice reminder of what is happening in there.
Everyone else out there in fertility nightmare world - hang in there! It gets better and miracles happen!