Monday 8 September 2014

Pregnancy news - The royals and the duggars

The last week or two has been rife with pregnancy announcements. The Duggars in particular really P#$$ed me off. You may ask why? Well it is simple. They announced early because they feel that any life is precious, and regardless of the outcome they want everyone to know. So why does this annoy me? Because I lost my baby at 13 weeks. I still have friends who do not know about it. The choice to tell people was taken away from me, when my boss told people about my loss and my pregnancy without my consent. To me, my loss does not mean my pregnancy is any less real or important because I did not share. It means it was something private and important to me. It is such a thoughtless comment. If they want to announce early - fine. But don't make it seem it is because you want to cherish this pregnancy and baby - and telling the world is the only way it makes it real. You told people because you want the fame. My baby was real, but it was my pregnancy, my loss and not something I want the world to know about (so I blog anonymously instead!).

As to the royals, I feel for them. They have had to comment due to the situation. I am jealous though... but I am jealous of a few friends who have announced as well.. I am just tired and thinking (even with the embryos waiting), it is just not going to happen...

End of my rant post...

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