Thursday 12 December 2013

IUI #6 : The Outcome

This week has been a major roller coaster. I thought this would be a very different post to what I am about to write. But let's go back to the start of the week Monday. I started to suspect something was happening on Monday night. I had a sudden thirst, sore boobs, hunger and increased CM (and if you read my other posts - I thought it had not worked at all! so I was suprised). The next day I noticed more so went and did a test. Middle of the day - in a cubicle and waited. I got two lines. I couldn't believe this cycle which was so screwed up worked. By Wednesday I felt the full blown early affects of those hormones. On Thursday I started to bleed, and the thirst disappeared. By today I had full bleeding and a blood test. My HCG registered pregnancy hormone, while my progesterone was down. So what does this all mean?

Welcome to the world of a suspected chemical pregnancy. My nurse is insisting it is all due to residual ovidrel - the pregnancy hormone I use to sustain the early pregnancy. But I don't think it was (my science mind going into overdrive).

1. I know from past tests 250 units is out of my system by day 10 after I took the shot (probably earlier). So there is no way that 30 units would still be in my system at 4 days ( I calculate that I would have lost 25 units a day to get to no registering by day 10).
2. I took the test in the middle of the day. My urine concentration of hormone would have been really low. If it was that 30 units, then it should have been negative, as there should have been very little left. It wasn't, there was a very clear line (stronger than the squinter - it was obvious).
3. My symptoms got worse days AFTER the shot. This would only happen with increasing hormone. The shot would have been decreasing. I also had two other units of 30 - (3 days apart) and did not have these reactions.
4.  I had none of these symptoms with the 200 unit shot - over 4 times more homone and none of these symptoms.

I am not sure why she is insisting it wasn't what I know it to be. I knew the follicle was too small - so probably it was a dud egg.

Btw - for those interested. A chemical pregnancy is a really early loss - called a chemical due to the fact the pregnancy can only be picked up by chemical means.

What do others think? Am I just over thinking? Or is she just trying to make me feel better?


  1. (((Hugs))) I had two chemical pgs before I had my son and they are definitely full of emotion - one moment a high and the next sadness. I do not think you are over-thinking and while I think the nurse may have been trying to make you feel better, it was still not the right thing to say! She could have been a little more sensitive about it! Sending many hugs!

  2. Simone- I think it was a chemical, what were the betas? My follicles were 15 and less the day before I triggered with the twins, and they thought 6 eggs dropped! And I was on ganirelix to suppress ovulation so I didn't have iui until cd17. So small follies are ok too. Huge hugs and I hope next month works out! Oh/ and I hadtested every day since day 1piui just to see the trigger shot leAve and every test was positive .
    JL06 ;)
