Thursday 5 December 2013


So acronyms become the norm (normal) when you enter the world of infertility treatments. Today I am 9dpiui - or 9 days post IUI. And I am pretty sure it has not worked. There are a few tell tale signs when I am pregnant and they are missing. So now I will just sit and wait for AF (aunt flo/period - I should do an acronym table!). I know you ladies out there will tell me it is not over till AF arrives, but unless something changes today or tomorrow I know it hasn't worked. I was probably being too hopeful. My follicle size was pretty small - and my body was just being difficult to respond. Now we have to wait till January for another cycle...

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry you are not feeling that this will work! Hugs!!! Thinking of you!
