Monday 11 November 2013

All clear for the IUI train!

So the good news is no cysts - so I am clear to the TTChoochootrain! It was strange and hard, knowing I should be in my last trimester but instead I am having dildo-cam fun and injections! Hopefully this will be a one cycle wonder.

So the nuts and bolts of the next two weeks (seems it all goes in two weeks!). I start my shots tomorrow night on CD3. Pretty much I have a loaded cartridge which I "prime" and "dial up" the amount I need. I then inject myself by squeezing the skin and inserting on an angle. It takes awhile to get use to the best position, but there are better spots that hurt less when I get it right :) Push in the dial, wait a few seconds and then pull it out. They teach you all of this before you start. For my sixth go, I do know it pretty well. I do this every night until Friday week when I go back in and they scan me. Since we know my cycles, I am coming in a bit later (they normally bring you in about CD10), but as I tend to ovulate later - I am coming in CD12 I think. Hopefully we will see some nice big juicy follicles about 10mm and ready to go (no more than three or they cancel!). Fingers crossed we have an IUI in less than two weeks!

Will keep you updated once we get to the next point! So strange being here again... so good, yet so strange!


  1. Yeah!!! Excited for you and cant wait to hear more!! Cheering you on!!

  2. Hi! It's Jodi, JL06 from FT. Wishing you the best this cycle. Are you taking follistim?

  3. Hi Jodi!! Thanks for dropping past xx I'm using puregon which is a FSH like follitism/gonal-f.
