Thursday 19 March 2015

6 weeks : A miscarriage and a heartbeat

***please note: this post was written some time ago and a number of posts will appear to update you all. for those of you who know me personally, please wait for the posts over the next few days which will explain what has happened. I don't want any contact about this right now, for various reasons. thanks! Sorry if this sounds ominous - I do appreciate all comments and posts on here! As you will see from this post - things have not been straightforward, but all will come clear and why I have this as a header! ***

My 5 week blood tests came back perfect. I was still measuring high, and my progesterone had gone up. I have had terrible morning sickness, and tiredness, and I have suspected that both embryos may have taken. At  6 weeks I went in and had another blood draw. I was told my blood levels had risen nicely, but me being me, checked my numbers. I noticed they were not as high as I would have expected at 6 weeks, and my progesterone had dropped a little. I decided to call my nurse and question her the next day about the numbers (I had a different nurse give me the results), and see if I could get an early scan. I just had this feeling something was wrong.

That night, I lay down and my uterus felt funny. It was a feeling over the whole uterus - and I knew there was something wrong. I went to the bathroom to check (as you do), and discovered some red spotting. Coupled with my numbers, the weird uterine feeling, and the spotting, I called my husband (who was working) and told him it looked bad and that I thought I could miscarry. I called my mum as well for support. I then got up, felt a whoosh, and knew it was bad. The next few hours was spent with a lot of blood loss, and massive (palm sized) clots being passed, and pain. I knew it was all over then. I rang my doctor, who said to stay on the meds, and get a scan tomorrow morning, and that it didn't sound good, but he has had this happen, and the foetus is still retained. The bleeding subsided and I went for my scan. It amazed me how fast it all happened, how quickly all the bleeding stopped and the lack of severe pain.

I have had enough scans to know a 6 week foetus, and as she started the scan (this was the same room and sonographer who did my 12 week scan and found I had lost the last one), I thought I saw something. She was so quick to go to that little precious baby - who had a heartbeat. I cried, I asked her three times if I was still pregnant, I could not believe it. The suspicion (and it all fits), is that I passed the second embryo, but thankfully I still had one of them going strong. There was no evidence that the bleed was caused by something else, although they could see a little old blood still up in the uterus. It would explain my numbers not increasing so rapidly, and the fact I did not feel so unwell (nauseous) for a few days. As I am writing this I am still crying knowing I am still pregnant. The amount I passed, well I can not believe I still have a baby in me. I also can not fathom how amazing the body is, to remove one and keep the other.  I have felt terribly unwell however. And I am struggling to get through the day. Massive headaches, extreme tiredness and breathlessness, and quite a bit of pain in my uterine area. My body is still recovering from what has happened. I hope and pray I get to 12 weeks, but I am terrified now. Even urinating brings back the sensation of miscarrying. But I need to be strong for this little one.

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