Wednesday 18 March 2015


***please note: this post was written some time ago and a number of posts will appear to update you all. for those of you who know me personally, please wait for the posts over the next few days which will explain what has happened. I don't want any contact about this right now, for various reasons. thanks! ***

I had my last transfer last week. Both embryos survived, and I have been playing the waiting game. I thought I might tell you what happened this time around.

Tuesday - transfer day.
Wednesday - I had a strong shooting pain from my hip, down to my knee.
Thursday - Again the same pain, to the point I had to stop and doubled over in pain.
Friday - I woke really early, and had some slight pain, like the other days, but milder. I did not get any more pain after this. The waking early has continued.
Saturday-Monday - nothing much to report, feel crappy, but that is nothing new on the progesterone.
Tuesday - I started to dry heave. This is something I don't do, but the nausea and the heaving made me thing I either had gastro.. or.....
Tuesday night - I bit the bullet and did a home test. I also got some spotting after my pessary use.
Wednesday morning - another test.Rang the clinic, and they said I could come in a day early

*** drum roll *****

*** keep going!!! *****

Thursday - Blood test results - POSITIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and yes my home tests were positive too!!! they came up straight away).

One of the things that threw me was the lack of CM. The pessaries dry you out big time I discovered. So even though this was a marker for my past pregnancies, it wasn't this time. I also just KNEW I was. A feeling.

My results are high for day 14, but not high enough to think it is twins yet. So I have to wait for the scan. I would prefer a singleton pregnancy, as I just do not want to risk another loss, but I will feel blessed whatever happens. I now pray for a healthy baby at the end. And trying to not over react or panic. It is surreal and scary, and I feel dreadful (and so happy about that one!).

1 comment:

  1. I'm almost afraid to comment, but wanted to let you know I'm reading and now waiting anxiously for your next post! Hoping and praying for (more) good news!
